Posts Tagged ‘Mansory SLS’

Monday, July 18th, 2011 by

Mansory’s motoring massacres

Did you know that the boys and girls at work in Gaydon, Maranello and Stuttgart are all a bunch of slackers?* They are all designing half-arsed cars that aren’t quite special enough. You know the ones, those ugly Aston Martin DBS’, Mercedes SLS’ and Ferrari 458s. Luckily there is one man, a saviour, a pioneer ...

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Monday, March 7th, 2011 by

Geneva ’11: The good, the bad and the ugly

So this year’s Geneva motor show has been and gone and what a corker it was! There wasn’t an obtrusive environmental wave but more of an accepting attitude to change, the financial doom and gloom that overshadowed the show last year stayed away and it seemed to be lambing season in the supercar world. Here is our round ...

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