Posts Tagged ‘SpeedWeek’

Sunday, August 14th, 2011 by

Ode to salt

If you find yourself in Utah this week, I recommend getting on the I 80 and heading roughly 88 miles west of Salt Lake City. On your arrival you will be greated by a very special event - Bonneville Speed Week. Speed week is when an eclectic mix of hot rods, roadsters, belly tankers, lakesters, motorcycles, streamliners, ...

. . . . . . News

Thursday, August 19th, 2010 by

Soak up the salt and the speed

This week it is Bonneville Speedweek, the largest meet at the Bonneville Saltflats which attracts speedfreaks from around the world. There is one aim and one aim only, to see how fast they can push their machines. We are not talking fast, we are talking seriously fast.

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